Friday, October 27, 2006

The reality is
We don’t want to know
We say we want the truth
That will set us free
But we’d rather find ourselves
An answer that gratifies our pride
That we think we want
Not what we need
Worlds apart
Maybe there’s someone
On another dimensional plane
I wonder if they live the lives
That we all throw away
The one of perfection and
Daily discipline
We don’t want the truth
Not because we think
We can’t measure up to it
But because we know if
We’re capable
We would have found ourselves
Capable enough not to need
Finding an answer
And maybe that is our downfall
That we think we hold a key in us
That surely can answer life
Since we are life
But we’re not
We’re the dust of life
And dust can never be
The wind that swirls it in circles
There is a hand
That all creation moves from
And in our little flight
We think we are omnipotent
We only carry the reflection
Of a power that stirs us on

debbie at 8:32 AM

Sunday, October 22, 2006

(A quote from Marianne Williamson)

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,

It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.
We ask ourselves,
Who am I to be brilliant,gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some, it is in everyone.

And, as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.


What is your greatest fear? It is nothing more then an illusion masking the infinite possibilities that you CAN achieve.

We have a God who's for us; forever. What's impossible when the creator of Heaven and Earth, who holds every soul, every atom, every second in his hands is on your side?


You can achieve every single thing you've ever wanted. Every dream is yours for the taking. Every chance and every door of opportunity is open for YOU.


debbie at 3:55 AM

Thursday, October 12, 2006

This morning when I woke up I sat down on the sofa and began reading the newspaper. A few minutes later, my eldest sister nudged me and brought two hot cups of tea to the table. Acts and services is definitely my love language. Just one cup of tea and I love my sister to bits. But besides that, it brings to mind that people love you, and sometimes it's easy to forget that.

If, like me, you find it very easy to sink into depression and self-loathing, then it's very refreshing to wake up one morning and find that your existence makes somebody bother to make a second cup of tea. Very often I fall into the mistake of thinking that I am very alone, and that besides myself, there is perhaps no other person truly altruistically for me but God. But, people do love you. Even if they don't express it, even if they disappoint you, even if they don't meet up to your expecations, who are we to judge their heart? It doesn't benefit anyone to dislike you and reject you. But when you begin to love other people and believe that other people love you, you allow life for yourself and others to be a little bit more fulfilling then it can be, when you live in a snow globe alone.

It's so funny because I used to have such a bad relationship with my sister. Yesterday, we were both lying on the bed complaining about how upset we were that our Mom felt that we were going out too much- because it means we can't go out this week anymore. Then her eyes sparkled, "Ah.. Bee.. I got a plan. Let's mop the floor and hope Mommy comes home and sees us doing the housework.. then you talk to her nicely to let us go out." Nice plan hor?

By the time we finished mopping the floor my Mom wasn't even home yet. Nevermind, but when she did come home, she screeched, "AIYO! Why's the floor so wet?!" Eh, we were expecting grattitude and a sympathetic Mom allowing us to go out. I had to leave in half an hour and I hadn't even asked her permission to go out yet. Suddenly my sister said to me in an exaggerating loud voice, "Eh, Bee.. YOU HAVE TO GO SCHOOL RIGHT??"

Yeah, that was a lie, but its so sweet to have sisters to conspire with you. But I didn't lie lar, I told the truth. And the mopping thing did work. :)

Everyone's falling sick. Please take care of yourselves!

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Name: Dad
Hobbies: Shocking his daughters, loving himself.
Comments: It IS hard to resist those lips.

hahaha.. :p

debbie at 1:29 AM

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I do believe
Because I breathe
Because of the fact that I sit awake in this moment
Because I live
There is power in my existence
My breath and thoughts and hands
I can make and break and create
I have a purpose and a reason
I balance an equation
I was birthed into existence
Because I was meant for something
And the universe collaborated to bring me to come
And bring me thus far
And will bring me to the end so I
Can do the things it's called me for
We're placed on this planet and everything in it
And everything that's happened
Has a reason and will have a reason
When we look back we'll see
The gravity we all hold
Every single moment that we are alive
We unconciously piece together a giant piece
And when we cease
We'll look back and see
What humanity's achieve
Every name and every child tells a story
Every culture and every century
It becomes a giant canvas of beautiful colours
It's the ultimate picture the Master created
It's what He already knew He wanted
And put into place so that time could tick
And everything would get together to achieve
His ultimate masterpiece
You're drawn to me
And I'm drawn to you
And we're drawn to live
Because somebody's mind and somebody's hands
Had us drawn up for a genius piece
There is an unseen pattern
Every pleasure and every pain
Every illumination and every darkness
Every gain and every loss
You'll come to see how
It was, it is and it will always be
in His hands

Psalm 33:11
"But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations."

debbie at 1:22 PM