Thursday, November 25, 2004

Genesis 1:26-27: "Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over . . .all the earth. . . .' So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."

"In the same breath in which our author says God created man in His own image, he says He created him male and female... ... There is in God a woman's tenderness as well as a man's toughness, a woman's responsiveness as well as a man's initiative, a woman's intuition as well as a man's logic, a woman's beauty as well as a man's ruggedness, a woman's sympathy as well as a man's drive." (

the internet is such a wide world that when you key in something like da vinci code or sophie's world, a million websites come up. in the same way, if you key in da vinci code is wrong, sophie's world is a fraud, another million websites come up. i'm not saying either is right or wrong, i'm not taking any sides. non christians think this: the bible was written by men, and that men can make mistakes. Christians believe this: the bible IS god's word. i think there is some truth in both sides. so let's try to be open-minded... .... ....

put yourself in the shoes of non-christians... imagine living your life with nothing but reason and common sense: men DO err. so even in such a divine book as the bible, there are chances that they may err, think of the famous "broken telephone" game. now before, as christians, you jump to defend, no one is pointing fingers. because, by this view, it does not mean that non-christians don't think that the bible may be true, or that it was indeed written because it was inspired. their point is, men IS imperfect, and with that imperfection, mistakes may be made. so let's think for the christians now... "how can OUR god ever make a mistake???" yes, these christians also have a point.. but... their claim is valid to the extent that their god is real. will they refute the claims of the buddhists who swear by their scriptures and also insist "how can OUR god ever make a mistake???" then the hindus "how can OUR god ever make a mistake???"

when your line of thought reaches this far.. what's the conclusion you can come to? faith is true, accurate, only to a person who has made a commitment to a religion or believe it to some extent. this is mine. what's yours?

heex.. don't get so solemn and harsh coz i'm jus sharing with u what i've found coz i think they're very thought-provoking. im glad for u being tolerant, flexible and open-minded and i luv u for it!~ ^^ if u think religion is too sensitive i'll go surf on the best way to remove armpit hair. at least we can all agree we want them gone.
wahaha. let's grow and learn together... kaex??? yi qi xue xi yi qi cheng zhang. :)

ahahaa. guess what. i've fallen sick. and i'm going to hongkong on sunday. then we may stop by at tokyo.. wahahaha.. hope i don't ask any guys for numbers, laogong.. wooah~ but i really forgot my jap.. i do remember the last time i stopped at tokyo airport with my family one coke was $5.. -_-" and guess what again? wahaha. my beloved twin is sick toooooooo.. ahaha.. twins afterall huh??? when one falls ill, the other quickly succumbs... wahaha.. so i've always had company.. but im so worried... what if i go there its so expensive i cant buy anything.. and then if i have language barriers.. and my whole family will be glaring at me.. thought u studied japanese??? heex... so must brush up!! wahx!! i wish i could go there when i'm more stable and matured and confident.. ah wells~~~~ take care.. dont fall ill like me! rah, za, hui, laogong! rah... anticipating ur story!! ur first one left me thinking loads siaaaaaa~ ^_*

debbie at 1:38 PM

Monday, November 22, 2004

read sophie's world. it really turns everything you know upside down and forces you to think: what is real???? well.. to begin with, the bible. have u ever thought.. why did jesus have men for disciples only? what about women? this is such a popular topic these days, thanks to the da vinci code. they're proposing that jesus did have a female disciple, and that he was married to her. her name was mary magdalene, and she is mentioned in the bible several times, she was healed of seven demons by jesus. during the days of the roman catholic church, the men decided to omit her from the scriptures. firstly, because women had periods and were considered unclean. secondly, they believed in the differences between women and men. it was part of their culture. its really the church's fault, i think. what is wrong with jesus having a female disciple??? don't we, as girls, know that we are equal (not perfectly, but on par) to men? isn't all men made in god's image- inclusive of women? then does that mean to say god has a feminie side as well? if jesus felt that a women was worthy, or even loved a women, is there anything wrong in that to make him less divine or to undermine his passion or efforts? is there anything wrong with loving a woman that marrs jesus? does that make christianity evil if it were true? they found scrolls in the desert which was the gospel written from mary magdalene's point of view, called the fourth gospel. many pages were missing, however, because the power of the church was so great, such scriptures were dangerous to hide. men put the bible together, men can make mistakes. remember that history is written by victors. who is to say there wasn't a power struggle between men and women and the text we have today come from the winners? there is no right or wrong. judge these ancient traditions by modern standards. like, another mistake by the church was their condemning of premarital sex resulting in hundreds of deaths by illegal abortions and scarred women. in the end it all comes down to faith. there are all sorts of beliefs in any church, any religion today. educate yourself and choose for yourself. why must religion cause so much wars, i don't understand it. why must people hurt because they want to stay true to their faiths? when to begin with, faith is subjective. also there's rumours that mel gibson's the passion of christ was sending wrong sublimal messages also, because the only three main female characters who acted in the show are european hardcore porn actresses. understand? the myth that magdalene was a prostitute has been cleared by the church 3 decades ago which quietly revealed that there was no reference in the bible to state that she was a prostitute. if mel gibson uses porn actresses, isn't he making a reference to mary magdalene, who was thought to be a prostitute? there are references of her everywhere. even in the matrix, in tarot cards, in leonardo da vinci's paintings. can you ever take things at face value? knowledge is power, haven't we heard? eventually we have to educate ourselves and decide for ourselves what we want to believe. thats why its called 'faith' not 'fact', isnt it?
this is an article by TIME magazine.

debbie at 1:40 PM

Saturday, November 20, 2004

詞曲:柯有倫 演唱:柯有倫

我的記憶 不會停
到了最後不會剩我一個坐在黑暗大街 看著你的影子 才後悔
會選擇了先走 會選擇離開我
wake up wake up
決定瘋狂的愛 沒有遺憾
wake up wake up

我把生命 給了你

看著你的影子 才後悔 我不信你會選擇放手
會選擇了先走 會選擇離開我

wake up wake up
決定瘋狂的愛 沒有遺憾
wake up wake up
wake up wake up
寧願一生等待 痛快的愛
你的身體 我的身體
這段故事 完美結局
wake up wake up
決定瘋狂的愛 沒有遺憾
wake up wake up
wake up wake up
wake up wake up
這一次 拼了命也要在一起


痛苦 寂寞 還有一些疲憊
不允許 找人隨意
寧願 孤獨 懶的再去想誰
掙脫 過去 然後忘記一切
沒想過 有天我的結局 忽然全部改變
誰會 抓住 我的無力雙臂
怎麼 會哭
(誰錯誰對 為誰抱歉)
不會 再哭
(誰錯誰對 為誰憔悴)
走入零度空間 等到一切分裂
就算愛的危險 我們一起面對
來不及的防備 沒聽過的誓言
要我怎麼學會 多了愛的明天
走出零度空間 終於一切分裂
就算愛的很累 我卻不會後悔
放下所有防備 一切都無所謂
逃出黑暗世界 開始新的明天 
新的 世界

debbie at 4:14 AM

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

There are many questions which fools can ask that wise men cannot answer. --George Polya (1887-1985)

debbie at 1:31 PM

Saturday, November 06, 2004

there's a fine line between innocence, idealism and simply being childish. growing old is inevitable, growing up is a choice. but then when it comes to growing up, how much of your idealistic ways should you retain???

debbie at 5:00 AM

Friday, November 05, 2004

what matters? what's time? who governs it, who abides by it, who states it should run us like hamsters in a wheel? what's our place, our purpose- predisposed to balance? what's religion, what's faith, what's personal salvation? why religion, why faith, why personal salvation? unless life is a noncyclic road, what is the importance? who is to say it isn't a noncyclic road? what's life, what's indifference to it? what's sex, what's sadomasochism, why sm, what's love, why love? what are relationships- companionships- stemming from what? loneliness, greed, innate need? what's conscience- learnt or innate? what's truth? what is right and what is wrong? filtered by perceptions? societal pressure? what is self- personality, heart, mind, name, number, body?

man is the measure of all things... sounds familiar? it wasn't by EM Forster of the machine stops, he plagiarized. it was a philosophy by a philosopher called Protagoras of Abdera.

oh but....

Man is no longer the measure of all things, the centre of the universe. He has been measured and found to be an undistinguished bit of matter, different in no essential way from bacteria, stones and trees. His goals and purposes, his egocentric notions of past, present and future; his faith in his power to predict and through prediction to control his destiny — all these are called into question, considered irrelevant, or deemed trivial. (

isn't all these things so much more helpful than memorising the bloody literature text? HAHAHA OF COZ IM KIDDING!! im going nuts lar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yesh i am. bored bored bored. MISS YOU ALL LIKE CRAZY~ AND I MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY~~ *sing* yeah im going out with kexin and char.. take care!!~ AND I MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY~~~ *sing*

debbie at 3:55 PM

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Carpenters - This Masquerade
Are we really happy with
This lonely game we play
Looking for the right words to say
Searching but not finding
Understanding anyway
We're lost in this masquerade


mas·quer·ade ( P ) (msk-rd)
1)A costume party at which masks are worn; a masked ball. Also called masque.
2)A costume for such a party or ball.
3)A disguise or false outward show; a pretense: a masquerade of humility.
4)An involved scheme; a charade.

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts...William Shakespeare, "As You Like It"

oOoOoOOo... im sleepg until im giddy.. i wake up really really late.. and then sleep at 7 in the morng.. in the day its all about the business of day, in the night its about whats important. so what happens when your clock completely switches like mine? well.. you become a bit silly.. you start to search google on philosophy.. then you learn about socrates, plato and aristotle. then you learn about the cynics and the stoics. the cynics believe that true happiness is not found in external things but in what is eternal and real. cassius was a cynic. the stoics believe that men must learn to accept his destiny. brutus was a stoic. then you search on words you want to learn.. all the shakespeare quotes.. then you see all zheng yuanchang's pictures.

ahaha~~~~ debbie is nuts.

so sorry laogong~! ahaha~ i'll pass you mars.. msg me!

debbie at 3:57 AM